

Parque Nacional de Timanfaya

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Timanfaya (Ildbjergene på Lanzarote) blev dannet på 16 måneder i 1730-31.

Timanfaya National Parken er en vulkansk park, der blev erklæret for en af verdens mest betydningsfulde Biosfære Reservater af UNESCO i 1993. Billedet her viser et udsnit af de ca. 100 vulkan kratere i Timanfaya National Parken.

Billedet er taget fra den ca. 5 meter brede vej der er ca. 13 km. lang og leder gennem Timanfaya National Parken. En tur der bedst opleves på cykel, der kan bookes på Club La Santa. Husk vanddunken da der kan være meget tørt og varmt.


Her ses Lanzarotes vinproduktion syd for Timanfaya National Parken. Da der næsten aldrig regner på Lanzarote bruges den sorte aske (lapilli) fra vulkanudbruddet til at holde på den fugtighed, der kommer med duggen om aftenen. Vinen fra Lanzarote er tør og smager fortræffeligt. Den kan købes direkte på vingårdene ved La Geria, hvor der gives smagsprøver, men den kan også købes i Supermacado. 

Her lidt information på engelsk inkl. fotos:

This National Park, with an extension of 200 km2, seems to confront us with an apocalyptical vision: this land was born of hundreds of fire-spitting volcanos.

Timanfaya is easy to arrive to by car, it seems that all ways on Lanzarote lead to here. Through the park itself you either move by bus (each quarter of an hour, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. in summer and 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. in winter, respectively), or you choose the by far more adventurous alternative and rent a ... camel! Photo

In or on your preferred transport medium you will traverse a sea of petrified lava Photo and volcanic ashes. Some of the craters of the volcano Montaña de Fuego Photo ("Mountain of Fire") are still active, and just centimeters from the surface temperature arrives to some 400ºC. If you pour water on a crater, it will vaporize in a fraction of a second, and if you put small branches there, they will start to burn immediately. Photo. In some of the Restaurants in Timanfaya you even can have your steak grilled on a volcanic crater ...
After such a kind of lunch you certainly will be still more receptive for the miracles nature has done here ...

The last great volcanic out-break on Lanzarote was, by the way, in 1732, when large parts of the island were destroyed. In 1824 some smaller craters broke out again.