Om Oluf

Oluf 2007

Oluf blev født i Gentofte i 1979. Som barn var han en kvik knægt, der udfordrede livet og måtte også på skadestuen engang imellem. Han gik på Fuglsanggårdsskolen i Virum. I 1998 blev Oluf student fra Virum Statsskole og blev derefter uddannet på CBS som cand.merc.

Oluf var i 9 år ansat hos Dong Energi i deres Wind Power økonomiafdeling. Siden 2014 har Oluf været økonomidirektør i Tracknan, der flere år i træk er udnævnt som dansk gazellevirksomhed.

Der er mere om Oluf på LinkedIn.

OR og Charlotte

Oluf og Charlotte blev gift i 2007 og bor i dag i Charlottenlund.

Tilsammen har de børnene Amalie og Carl Christian.

CC og Amalie_1200








Oluf om sit nuværende job i Cobham Satcom

CFO (Chief Financial Officer) at Cobham Satcom

I have worked in a corporate financial environment for almost 20 years, with a proven history of building and leading professional, lean, and business-oriented Finance functions – within privately-owned, PE and listed companies. One common trend for these international companies have been a strong and consistent growth journey, both organically and through M&A. I view the CFO’s role as being a proactive business partner to the CEO and Board, representing a strong focus on creating top-line growth while delivering margin improvements as well as attractive investment opportunities. To do this, the CFO must build a strong and scalable foundation, including dedicated teams within accounting, controlling, FP&A, BI, treasury, tax, compliance, HR, IT and M&A. As a person, I believe in an honest, respectful, and direct approach, while creating a motivating, fun, and challenging work environment.

Key highlights from my professional journey:
– Group CFO during the 2021 sale of SteelSeries A/S to GN Store Nord for 8 BN DKK
– Preparing SteelSeries A/S for an IPO on Nasdaq Copenhagen in 2021 (est. large cap)
– CFO of TrackMan A/S from 2014-2019, growing organically from 161 to 602 M DKK
– Part of the Ørsted A/S transaction team during the 2013 Goldman Sachs deal
– Head of a Finance team of 35 FTEs in Wind Power, Ørsted A/S, early in my career (2010)
– Working 3½ years in Corporate Finance & Strategy at Ørsted A/S, with many inspiring colleagues.

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